
Bürotische sind Ausstattungselemente, die funktionale und ästhetische Funktionen miteinander verbinden. Modelle in der Chefzimmer-Version sind nicht nur bei Besprechungen und Teamarbeit nützlich, sondern unterstreichen auch den professionellen Charakter des Raumes. Die Chefzimmertische aus der .mdd-Kollektion sind elegant und aus hochwertigen Materialien gefertigt, so dass sie die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen werden. Die Vielfalt der verfügbaren Modelle ermöglicht es Ihnen, den Tisch an die Einrichtung Ihres Chefbüros oder Konferenzraums anzupassen.
Designer: Dymitr Malcew
Ziel: Chefzimmer
Klappbar: nein


ab 12.600,00 € netto
14.994,00 € brutto

What should an executive table be like?

The director's or manager's office is the most representative space in the office - and so should the executive table. It is where the most important meetings take place, so it should be reliable and stylish, but also comfortable and functional. The best tables for executive offices are those that are elegant and made of durable materials, such as wood veneer or metal. It is a good idea to choose a table that matches the other furniture in the room - the consistency of the arrangement thus ensured will emphasise the representative character and elegance of the space.

When are executive tables useful?

An executive table functions as a complement to an arrangement where the most important element is a spacious workspace. Depending on its dimensions, such a table can be used for informal meetings in a smaller group, for presentations or even conferences. By choosing a model with a large tabletop, you can also arrange a comfortable spot for working together. Executive tables are fully versatile pieces of furniture. Their universal yet elegant design allows them to fit into any space, emphasising its representative character.