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Colour speaking. Eco green shade

2022-03-22 2min View: 131

Green colour brings nature and spring’s freshness into one’s mind. It is regularly used in biodiversity inspired interiors that draw from nature. Its not just a hype but a result of a trend that is here to stay.
Lee Ellis and Christopher Fick research on preferred colours showed that green is the favourite colour of women (27,9%). Men chose blue to be their “number one” with green coming in second at 19,1%. Positive reception of the shade and the influence it has on people made it to be an indispensable part of office environment.

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Close to nature

Green improves mood, helps to relax and regenerates one’s mind. According to research only two minutes of staring into a flower pot can help you reduce your stress levels. Surrounding yourself with the colour improve human interactions and connecting with others. It works perfectly during informal meetings, designed to allow rest as well as creative thinking. It is worth considering when designing places prone to stressful situations.
In professional relations it aids negotiations and creates an atmosphere of trust that helps making the final decision. It symbolises consensus and acceptance, it is present in all kinds of applications and users’ interface. This colour choice is very common in conference rooms and open spaces as it helps to balance our emotions.

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Interestingly, green is free from any negative connotations. Historically, it symbolised the powers of evil and sickness that was portrayed in the green colour of poison in kids’ story books. However at present, we don’t perceive it as a negative colour. It is used successfully in hospitals and health centres. Research conducted by scientists from the Kansas State University showed that patients placed in green rooms needed fewer painkillers, had lower blood pressure and stood out by having a more positive attitude. It is easy to guess that employees react to it similarly.

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It is sufficient to paint only one wall green or use green upholstery to benefit from the properties of it. It’s the ultimate shade that breaks the bland monochrome interiors and helps to rest. Matched with white gives the area a more pastel design and optically increases the space.
Biodiversity copies and draws inspiration from nature; it combines natural colours of green, brown and beige. Light colours as well as pastel yellow, blue and white brighten green rooms. It is worth remembering that light grey matched with a pale blue colour reduces our activity, so its advised to use it in chillout rooms rather than open spaces. Combinations that improve energy are: green and red, green and intense yellow.
Green is a top notch-colour, it can boost our work efficiency as well as help us relax, especially in a very busy lifestyle.