
Base type: 4-star base with castors
Designer: Krystian Kowalski
Stacking: no
Material: upholstery

chair swivel base

From £292.00 Excl. import tax

chair swivel base

From £406.00 Excl. import tax

chair swivel base

From £398.00 Excl. import tax

chair swivel base

From £397.00 Excl. import tax

chair swivel base

From £389.00 Excl. import tax

chair swivel base

From £350.00 Excl. import tax

chair swivel base

From £283.00 Excl. import tax

chair 4-star base with castors

From £302.00 Excl. import tax

chair 4-star base with castors

From £326.00 Excl. import tax