With this year’s edition of the fair over, we can say it was a success! We loved meeting you all in Cologne. Hopefully you’ll enjoy our coverage from the event!

With this year’s edition of the fair over, we can say it was a success! We were delighted to see how welcoming our stand proved to be and appreciated each visit you paid us and noted every piece of feedback you shared with us. Hopefully you’ll enjoy our coverage from the event below!
Our stand, as usual, was designed by Krystian Kowalski, a designer we’ve a long working relationship with. The aim was to create a warm and welcoming space in-between the industrial halls, where you could feel at home. The stand was divided into zones of various functions and atmospheres, corresponding to the spaces we use in the everyday life. This colourful, cosy, and functional stand allowed us to showcase new products in the most fitting and favourable manner.
If you’d like to see our product launches from the fair, you can find them here.
Thank you for all the visits and meetings! It wouldn’t have been such a successful event without your support and interest in our products. It is always nice to see our work appreciated and we are delighted to have had the opportunity to listen to your feedback. We highly value each opinion and use them in the further development of our furniture.
And thank you for the cooperation to the designers: Alejandro Valdés, Andreas Krob & Joachim Brüske, Arthur Gentil, Christopher Nobles, Dirk Winkel, Form Us with Love, Javier Cuñado (Nacar Design), Krystian Kowalski, Maria Jeglińska-Adamczewska, Skrivo and Yonoh Studio – it is always a pleasure to work with you! Hopefully we’ll have more opportunities to do something together in the future!
Last, but not least, we would like to sincerely thank Elixir bar, thar provided us all with delicious refreshment and the greatest fun!