BALTIC 2 REMIX - polypropylene seat with cushion; base - cantilever - powder coated steel, polypropylene feet - BLK3P28
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chair sledge base Baltic 2 Remix
Baltic 2 Remix
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Chair sledge base Baltic 2 Remix
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With Baltic 2 Remix a hybrid between Baltic 2 Basic and Baltic 2 Soft Duo was created, with its plastic seat and soft cushion. The polypropylene seat is easy to maintain, the cushion provides comfort and the stackable base saves space when storing the chairs. Made from lightweight wire, it also makes them easy to carry and gives them a modern elegance - so Baltics work well in conference, educational and office spaces, as well as service areas.
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Krystian Kowalski
As a hands-on designer my work process combines a full-scale models and prototypes with technology research and advance cad modelling. This methodical approach is focused on revealing the essence of each design. I believe experiencing the product is the only way to develop valuable furniture. Fundamentally I look at design as an exercise in creating value.